Selected Publications

Transatlantic Economy 2020
by Daniel S. Hamilton and Joseph Quinlan
The Transatlantic Economy 2020 annual survey offers the most up-to-date set of facts and figures describing the deep economic integration binding Europe and the United States. It documents European-sourced jobs, trade and investment in each of the 50 U.S. states, and U.S.-sourced jobs, trade and investment in each member state of the European Union and other European countries. It reviews key headline trends and helps readers understand the distinctive nature of transatlantic economic relations.
Key sectors of the transatlantic economy are integrating as never before, underpinning a multi-trillion-dollar economy that generates millions of jobs on both sides of the Atlantic and is registering heightened growth opportunities, despite a whirlwind of political uncertainty about the direction of U.S., EU and UK policies.
The Transatlantic Economy 2020 explains
• what trade spats and Brexit mean for the transatlantic economy
• how U.S.-European commercial relations compare with those each has with China and other rising powers
• how the digital economy is revolutionizing economic relations
• how European and U.S. companies are powering the transatlantic energy economy, and
• how decision-makers and business leaders can address current opportunities and challenges.
The Transatlantic Economy 2020 provides key insights about the United States and Europe in the global economy, with often counterintuitive connections with important implications for policymakers, business leaders, and local officials.
List of Chapters:
Chapter 1 – Not Business as Usual: The Transatlantic Economy in an Age of Uncertainty
Chapter 2 – Jobs, Trade and Investment: Enduring Ties that Bind
Chapter 3 – Seismic Shift: The Transatlantic Digital Economy
Chapter 4 – The 50 U.S. States: European-Related Jobs, Trade and Investment
Chapter 5 – European Countries: U.S.-Related Jobs, Trade and Investment
Appendix A – European Commerce and the 50 U.S. States: A State-by-State Comparison
Appendix B – U.S. Commerce and Europe: A Country-by-Country Comparison