The Atlantic Basin Initiative
The Atlantic Basin Initiative is a network of Eminent Persons and research institutes across Europe, North and South America and Africa investigating how globalization is changing Atlantic interactions and dedicated to identifying and harnessing the potentials of ‘pan-Atlantic’ cooperation. I have been involved in the Jean Monnet Network on Atlantic Studies, a related initiative across the four Atlantic continents by 10 leading research institutes across the Atlantic to explore three emerging pan-Atlantic themes —energy; commercial interactions; and pan-Atlantic challenges to human security.
Relevant Publications:
- The promise of a free and open Atlantic, Bruce Jones and Daniel S. Hamilton, Brookings Institution
- Building a Broader Atlantic Community, Daniel S. Hamilton, Brookings Institution
- A New Atlantic Community: Generating Growth, Human Development and Security in the Atlantic Hemisphere [in Portuguese] [in Spanish]
- Joint Statement on Atlantic Cooperation, signed by 18 Atlantic countries
- Submarine Cable Connectivity in the Atlantic, Lane Burdette, TeleGeography
- Developing blue economy, addressing maritime insecurities: information sharing for the Atlantic, Christian Bueger, University of Copenhagen
- Digital Atlantic Working Group, Oluwasayo Oshadami, MainOne
- Presentation on the Atlantic Basin, Johns Hopkins SAIS
- The Jean Monnet Network on Atlantic Studies
- Trade and Commercial Interactions in the Atlantic Basin: Present and Future Issues
- Evolving Human Security Challenges in the Atlantic Space
- Energy and Transportation in the Atlantic Basin
- Atlantic Basin Initiative
- Atlas of the Atlantic
- Atlantic Future
- How Reversible is Globalization?
- The Future Pan-Atlantic Economy
- A Pan-Atlantic Agenda for EU-US Relations
- Atlantic Rising: The Changing Commercial Dynamics of the Atlantic Basin (2014)
- Dark Networks: Evolving Security Challenges in the Atlantic Basin (2014)
- Atlantic Currents: Overcoming the Choke Points