Leila Hadj-Abdou

I am currently a Research Associate at the University of Sheffield (UK), working with Prof. Andrew Geddes on the project Prospects for International Migration (MIGPROSP, http://www.migrationgovernance.org/). Prior to coming to the UK I was a Fellow at the Centre for Transatlantic Relations (SAIS/Johns Hopkins), in Washington D.C. (http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu/)

From 2009-2013 I was a Ph.D student in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy. My thesis was a comparative analysis on political responses to immigrant residents in the European capitals, Vienna and Dublin (thesis defended September 2013).

My key research interests are migration and immigrant policies, Islam in Europe and gender. In my course work at the EUI I specialized on migration in political theory.

I hold a Master in Political Science from the University of Vienna (cum laude). Before coming to the EUI, I worked several years as a researcher and associate lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Vienna University.

In fall/winter 2011 I was a visiting researcher at the UCD, Dublin. In February 2007 I was a visiting researcher at the Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques,CNRS in Paris. During my undergraduate studies I was an exchange student at the ELTE university in Budapest.

I have published and produced conference contributions on immigration, immigration and immigrant policies, the far right and anti-Muslim mobilization, illiberal liberalism and the politicization of the issue of gender equality, policy regulations of the hijab in European countries, the mobilization of (Muslim) women, the nexus of migration research and politics, political campaigning, and European Enlargement (see my CV for an entire list of publications).

I have several years experience in teaching undergraduates. I have taught courses on Migration, Political Systems/Comparative Politics, Qualitative Methods, Gender Relations and Racism.

Additional to disseminating my research results in academia I also regularly hold lectures in non-scientific fora, such as women´s organizations, anti-racist organizations, and educational institutions.
Latest publications (selection, for a full list see http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/politics/staff/leilapublications):

Immigrant integration and the economic competitiveness agenda: A comparison of Dublin and Vienna. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (published online first, February 2014,)

Europes Rio Grande: (Im)mobility in the Mediterranean. In: Toperich, Sasha and Mullins, Andy (eds.): A New Paradigm: Perspectives on the Changing Mediterranean. The Brookings Institution Press 2014.

Islam at Issue. Anti-Islamic Mobilization of the Extreme Right in Austria. (with S. Rosenberger) In: Brian Jenkins, Emmanuel Godin and Andrea Mammone: The Far Right in Contemporary Europe. Routledge 2013, 149-163. https://inex.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/ag_divpol/Rosenberger-Hadj-Abdou-IslamAtIssue.pdf
Supervisors: Andrew Geddes (Principal investigator, MIGPROSP project), Rainer Bauböck (PhD supervisor), and Donatella della Porta (PhD co-supervisor)