Faruk Ajeti
Dr. Faruk Ajeti is an Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation visiting scholar at the Foreign Policy Institute, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University in Washington DC, where he researches the impact of non-Western players (Russian Federation, China, Turkey and Gulf states) in the Balkans and the European Union policy towards Southeastern Europe. He is also an Affiliated Researcher at the Austrian Institute for International Politics (OIIP) in Vienna.
His areas of expertise are: transatlantic relations, China’s international relations, Austrian foreign policy, Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), European integration and foreign policy. He occasionally tweets under @FarukAjeti
Ajeti graduated with distinction from the Institute of Political Science at the University of Vienna with a doctorate in “Kosovo Policy in Austria 1986-1999” and a master’s degree from the Institute of Political Science at the University of Vienna. In addition to his scholarly publications, his commentary has appeared in a number of outlets including New Statesman, The Hill, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Europäische Rundschau, Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Die Presse, Der Standard, Wiener Zeitung and Kurier.
Recent Publications and Activities
Ajeti, Faruk (2019): Die Kosovopolitik Österreichs in den Jahren 1986-1999 (Austrian Kosovo Policy 1986-1999). Diss. phil., Uni Wien, Wien.
Clewing, Konrad/Ajeti, Faruk (2018): Kosovo und die österreichisch-albanischen Beziehungen: Bilder einer Geschichte (Hrsg. von der Botschaft der Republik Kosovo in Österreich, vom Albanien-Institut e.V. und der Österreichisch-kosovarischen Freundschaftsgesellschaft). Akademischer Verlag, München.
Ajeti, Faruk/Ajeti Kurbogaj, Resmije (2013): Die Rolle der EU-Außen-politik im Kosovo 1989-2010 (The Role of the EU Foreign Policy in Kosovo 1989-2010). Peter Lang Verlag, Vienna. Eva Kreisky/Helmut Kramer (eds.), Politik und Demokratie. Band 30.
Journal Articles:
Ajeti, Faruk (2020): Österreichs Vorreiterrolle in der Kosovopolitik, in: Europäische Rundschau, 48. Jahrgang, Nr. 1/2020, S. 101-104.
Ajeti, Faruk (2017): Nationalism and integration, solidarity and morality, in: Social Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 112-115.
Ajeti, Faruk (2013): European Union between a more democratic and democracy deficit union presented at the 8 Annual Conference “Democracy in Times of Turmoil; a multidimensional approach” of Albanian Institute of Sociology, Durres (Albania), 22-23 November 2013.
Newspaper Articles:
China’s new Silk Road, in: New Statesman (with Kristina Spohr), April 2020
Die neue „Seidenstraße der Gesundheit“ führt von Peking nach Rom, in: Wiener Zeitung (with Kristina Spohr), March 2020
History helps us understand how Vladimir Putin handles his power, in: The Hill, February 2020
Wie China auf dem Balkan der EU auf der Nase herumtanzt, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, January 2020
Ist die „Neue Seidenstraße“ Chinas eine Einbahnstraße?, in: Kurier, January 2020
Versöhnung beginnt mit Entschuldigung, in: Die Presse, January 2020
Why the Western Balkans still matter, in: The Hill, December 2019
For an EU that spans the whole of Europe, in: European Letters, December 2019
Österreich und Kosovo, in: Paneuropa, November 2019
EU-Erweiterung am Westbalkan: Aus Fehlern lernen, in: Der Standard, October 2019
In the News:
China’s growing presence in the Balkans, in: New Bugajski Hour, April 2020
Rruga e “Re e Mëndafshit të Shëndetësisë” që të çon nga Kina në Romë, in: KlanKosova (with Kristina Spohr), April 2020
China and the coronavirus pandemic, in: ABC NEWS, March 2020
Increasing transatlantic cooperation is the key to stability in the Balkans, in: Voice of America, February 2020
Europe must not neglect the Western Balkans, in: Radio Free Europe, February 2020
Wer sich den Balkan krallt, wenn die EU sich zurückzieht, in: Kurier, December 2019
1989-a dhe raporti transatlantik – të vetëkënaqur në krizë, in Koha Ditore, November 2019