Transatlantic Economy
I have engaged extensively on transatlantic economic topics in publications, congressional and parliamentary testimonies, presentations and media commentary.
Of particular note is the annual The Transatlantic Economy publication, which I write together with my colleague Joe Quinlan. It presents the most up-to-date information on jobs, trade and investment between Europe and the United States.
Our work provides the raw material for Thriving Together, an online platform that showcases the deep ties that bind Europe and the United States, including individual profiles for the 50 US states and 30+ European countries.
Discussions from The Transatlantic Economy 2024
- Who is America’s top commercial partner? (Hint: it’s not China), Brookings Institution
Discussions from The Transatlantic Economy 2023
- The Transatlantic Economy in an Age of Disruption, Capital City Podcast
Featured articles and charts from The Transatlantic Economy 2022:
- Betting on Ourselves: The U.S., Europe, and China, Finland’s Chamber of Commerce [Full report]
- Resilient: The Transatlantic Economy in 2022, New Austrian
- The US-Europe transatlantic partnership is showing its resilience, The Hill
- Ties with Europe are America’s geo-economic base, Euractiv
- Time for TACTA: Forging a Transatlantic Clean Technology Alliance, The Hill
- Zeit für transatlantische Technologieallianz, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung [in German]
- The Transatlantic Energy Economy
- The Expanding Digital Frontier
- The Two-Lane Highway and the Twelve-Lane Autobahn: Shifting Commercial Ties Among the U.S., Europe and China
- Where the Jobs Are
- The Transatlantic Economy and the World
- Future-Proofing Transatlantic Relations: Repositioning the Alliance, Internationale Politik Quarterly
- How Northern Virginia’s Ties to Europe Boost and Sustain The Local Economy and Environment, Dan Hamilton, Jill Kaneff, Victor Hoskins, Dale Medearis, Northern Virginia Regional Commission
- Trans-Atlantic Economy at the Local Level: The Case of Northern Virginia & Hamburg, Germany, Dan Hamilton, Marian Marquez, Northern Virginia Regional Commission/Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
- Rewriting Global Tax Rules: It Ain’t Over Til It’s Over, Wilson Center
- No Exit from Brexit, Wilson Center
- CAI is DOA, Asia Europe Journal
- No, China is not the EU’s top trading partner, Politico
- First Resort: An Agenda for the United States and the European Union, Wilson Center
- The best basis for re-setting EU-US relations, Euractiv
- The Changing Transatlantic Economy, Advantage Austria
- The Transatlantic Economy 2020 Reader’s Guide
- It’s still the Atlantic, stupid! WirtschaftsWoche, April 11, 2020 [in English | in German]
- Transatlantic Commerce: Ties That Bind, Berlin Policy Journal, March 23, 2020
- Transatlantic Policy Impacts of the U.S.-EU Trade Conflict, Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives, June 26, 2019
- Creating the North Atlantic Marketplace for Jobs and Growth: Three Paths, One Detour, A U-Turn, and the Road to Nowhere (2018)
- Is there life After TTIP? The future of transatlantic economic relations, Presentation to Bruegel, Brussels, February 2018
- Next Steps in the ‘Special Relationship’: Impact of a US-UK Free Trade Agreement, Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives, February 1, 2017
- The Geopolitics of TTIP (2014)
- The Geopolitics of TTIP: Repositioning the Transatlantic Relationship for a Changing World
- Europe’s Economic Crisis, edited with Robert M. Solow (2012)
- Europe 2020: Competitive or Complacent? (2011)